Back Lever(How to Back Lever)

Back Lever(How to Back Lever)

How to Back Lever.

Below are use  muscles.

【The Video】



1、Hollow the chest and tighten the hip.

2、To narrow the grip range.

3、Widen the shoulder angle by Triceps.

1、Hollow the chest and tighten the hip.

To Explain the BackLever posture.

Stand normally.

Pull backward both arms.

【NG】This is NG.

Stand normally and …

Hollow the chest and tighten the hip.

And Pull backward both arms.

To raise the head.

【OK】This is Good.

2、To narrow the grip range.

To Explain the BackLever posture.

Wide grip range is NG.

Narrow range grip is caught the body.

It’s easy to do the Back Lever.

Let’s review.

1、Hollow the chest and tighten the hip.

2、To narrow the grip range.

Following these points,

Let’s practice Back Lever.

<Step1>Tuck Back lever

<Step2> Advanced tuck Back lever

Straddle,One leg and so forth.

3、Widen the shoulder angle by Triceps.

【So close!Not  horizontal】

SHOULDER ANGLE is this angle.

Engage muscle “Triceps”and widen the angle.

【Good!Horizontal】Widen the SHOULDER ANGLE.

That’s all,thanks.

The Ponit of Back Lever

1、Hollow the chest and tighten the hip.

2、To narrow the grip range.

3、Widen the shoulder angle by Triceps.
